Friday, October 10, 2008

Life is full of questions; so this article was written with the intention of solving the question on ONLINE DEGREE PROGRAM . Sure do hope that your questions have been answered.


Peer Review Some Fries With That Degree BrandWeek Sri Lankaaposs Colombo University to teach farmers online Lanka Business Online

Fri, 10 Oct 2008 13:28:49 +0000
It s also much of why online and vocational colleges are booming these days with some two year schools now predicting a enrollment spike over last year alone. It follows that nontraditional colleges have been doing lots of marketing. But is selling an education the same as selling shampoo When dreams of a better life are at stake does the marketer bear a greater ethical burden Such are a few of the questions raised by Neal Mendelsohn who runs agency Fourth Wall in Los Angeles. Mendelsohn took a look at the new campaign for Westwood College for us. As he writes these spots show Gen Y viewers just what they want to see. But that might just be the trouble. Online and nontraditional college degree programs are fast becoming the health clubs of the information age but I don t mean that in a positive six pack abs of the mind kind of way. Do a little digging and you ll discover that many of these business colleges have an extraordinarily high dropout rate. In some cases nearly half of all students at the undergraduate level drop out after they realize that higher education requires more money more time and more effort than they were led to expect. And that s where the problems begin for me with Westwood College s new campaign a triad of TV spots currently airing in selected markets encompassing the school s outposts in six states. Rather than portraying the hard work and therefore inherent value that goes into higher education Westwood makes getting your degree look about as tough as downloading a song on iTunes. But what truly pisses me off is having to accept that this campaign may indeed be successful at getting millennials to sign up for classes. Why Because they ll probably end up dropping them. According to the Online Education Database Westwood College s graduation rate stood at . Changing Backgrounds the campaign created by Cactus a Denver based boutique advertising agency is breezy and funny Slap a hip hop soundtrack on this story based ad and you get a reprise of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air . The story line takes an engagingly annoying young man and bounces him through a series of dead end jobs he s a party clown and yes a burger flipper too until one day he sees an ad for Westwood. Drawn in by the advertised ease professionalism and flexibility of the program he snares his B.A. in just three years scoring a solid job and great salary. Just like that Poof he s gone from a red rubber nose and a dirty apron to a trendy loft office and a fabulous career. Probably as a creative director. To be fair to this hard working independent agency Cactus made optimal use of a limited budget by using a single actor and concept then shooting multiple endings. They also crafted some catchy banner ads with headlines like Go from making a living to making a life. What s more the creative execution of these spots is a vast improvement over past Westwood TV spots. You can watch those on YouTube. They ll make your eyes bleed. Now no one disagrees that education makes your life better. But when this school hired its agency shouldn t the real question have been What makes Westwood better equipped to make you better equipped How s this school different from say University of Phoenix Would you be proud of a Westwood degree Answer silence. They re hiding behind the consumer benefit there s no differentiation or higher purpose to any of it. I m left with the unfortunate impression that Westwood College is so eager to have every year old slacker s money that it s willing to lead them into believing that getting an education is as easy and fun as playing a videogame. Well if it were so easy everybody would do it. That s why higher education is so valuable kids. You have to earn it. Which is irrelevant if success is measured by registrations and not graduations. The old days of education marketing are dead dead dead. Which is fine by me. I may have hastened the demise with the work we did for California State University at Northridge. Nobody needs to see yet another ad with flying mortarboard hats and diplomas waved overhead. But someone should have challenged the client to go beyond instant gratification and millennial assumptions to offer a bit of substance. Small agencies must sell big thinking and big ideas the road not taken or why not go with IBM I know that s a tough sell. I ve been there. I can hear the client asking the question Will that put butts in seats Eventually yes and for all the right reasons. Share on LinkedIn Save E mail Print Most Popular RSS Reprints Peer Review Some Fries With That Degree Oct By Neal Mendelsohn The high cost of tuition is part of why that four year degree now takes on average nearly six years to earn. It s also much of why online and vocational colleges are booming these days with some two year schools now predicting a enrollment spike over last year alone. It follows that nontraditional colleges have been doing lots of marketing. But is selling an education the same as selling shampoo When dreams of a better life are at stake does the marketer bear a greater ethical burden Such are a few of the questions raised by Neal Mendelsohn who runs agency Fourth Wall in Los Angeles. Mendelsohn took a look at the new campaign for Westwood College for us. As he writes these spots show Gen Y viewers just what they want to see. But that might just be the trouble. Online and nontraditional college degree programs are fast becoming the health clubs of the information age but I don t mean that in a positive six pack abs of the mind kind of way. Do a little digging and you ll discover that many of these business colleges have an extraordinarily high dropout rate. In some cases nearly half of all students at the undergraduate level drop out after they realize that higher education requires more money more time and more effort than they were led to expect. And that s where the problems begin for me with Westwood College s new campaign a triad of TV spots currently airing in selected markets encompassing the school s outposts in six states. Rather than portraying the hard work and therefore inherent value that goes into higher education Westwood makes getting your degree look about as tough as downloading a song on iTunes. But what truly pisses me off is having to accept that this campaign may indeed be successful at getting millennials to sign up for classes. Why Because they ll probably end up dropping them. According to the Online Education Database Westwood College s graduation rate stood at . Changing Backgrounds the campaign created by Cactus a Denver based boutique advertising agency is breezy and funny Slap a hip hop soundtrack on this story based ad and you get a reprise of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air . The story line takes an engagingly annoying young man and bounces him through a series of dead end jobs he s a party clown and yes a burger flipper too until one day he sees an ad for Westwood. Drawn in by the advertised ease professionalism and flexibility of the program he snares his B.A. in just three years scoring a solid job and great salary. Just like that Poof he s gone from a red rubber nose and a dirty apron to a trendy loft office and a fabulous career. Probably as a creative director. To be fair to this hard working independent agency Cactus made optimal use of a limited budget by using a single actor and concept then shooting multiple endings. They also crafted some catchy banner ads with headlines like Go from making a living to making a life. What s more the creative execution of these spots is a vast improvement over past Westwood TV spots. You can watch those on YouTube. They ll make your eyes bleed. Now no one disagrees that education makes your life better. But when this school hired its agency shouldn t the real question have been What makes Westwood better equipped to make you better equipped How s this school different from say University of Phoenix Would you be proud of a Westwood degree Answer silence. They re hiding behind the consumer benefit there s no differentiation or higher purpose to any of it. I m left with the unfortunate impression that Westwood College is so eager to have every year old slacker s money that it s willing to lead them into believing that getting an education is as easy and fun as playing a videogame. Well if it were so easy everybody would do it. That s why higher education is so valuable kids. You have to earn it. Which is irrelevant if success is measured by registrations and not graduations. The old days of education marketing are dead dead dead. Which is fine by me. I may have hastened the demise with the work we did for California State University at Northridge. Nobody needs to see yet another ad with flying mortarboard hats and diplomas waved overhead. But someone should have challenged the client to go beyond instant gratification and millennial assumptions to offer a bit of substance. Small agencies must sell big thinking and big ideas the road not taken or why not go with IBM I know that s a tough sell. I ve been there. I can hear the client asking the question Will that put butts in seats Eventually yes and for all the right reasons. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Reading a Branding and Marketing News Magazine such as Brandweek is important for those who work in the branding business. The content provided by Brandweek will allow readers to gain a solid understanding of how effective branding affects industry trends and much more. With a print subscription to Brandweek you will receive all of the tips you need to stay on top of trends in brand development and more tools for more effective brand marketing strategies. Our exclusive Superbrands list details the largest media spenders best brand strategies of the year and highlights those companies that optimized brand loyalty among consumers. Brandweek also honors the Marketer of the Year in our highly anticipated special report.To help put things into perspective we encourage professionals developing brands corporate branding strategies and retail marketing strategies to post commentary and opinions on our news and feature editorials as well as our blog. Brandweek is proud to announce its Mobile service for the branding and marketing professional on the go. Use your cell phone PDA or Blackberry to gain instant access to the latest brand marketing news trends and data in the industry. We know incorporating brand industry news into your everyday life is a must for industry professionals to stay innovative so we make it possible to read Brandweek online in print or on the go Advertising Opportunities About Contact Sitemap RSS Superbrands Brand Marketing Home Brand Marketing News Brand Marketing Special Reports Marketing Data Center Brand Marketing Community Online Branding Multimedia Current Issue Subscribe Newsletter Login Mobile Brand Marketing and News Nielsen Business Media . All Rights Reserved. Read our TERMS OF USE PRIVACY POLICY The academic partnership between UT Arlington and Baylor is just one example of the Metroplex hospitals and three Houston hospitals that have decided to partake in the program said Elizabeth Poster dean of the School of Nursing. We didn t have to find them they re here. We work with all these hospitals on an ongoing basis with our nurses already Poster said. The online program is also only one of many offered to nurses who already are working but who would like to advance their careers professionals say. The first class of nurses in the online UT Arlington program will start in mid November Poster said but the unique format of many online programs means that students can start at several different times during a calendar year. Remy Tolentino is a registered nurse and vice president of nursing workforce and leadership development for Baylor Health Care System. She serviced as the chief nursing officer for Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas and she said offering the UT Arlington program to Baylor nurses offered many advantages. We saw this as an opportunity to remove the barriers of accessibility to a BSN degree accessibility and affordability she said. Earning a more advanced nursing degree can be expensive and even in a system like Baylor s which offers tuition reimbursement for its nurses. Additionally it can be hard to find the time to sit through years or months of coursework in a traditional classroom setting said Lisa Holt a registered nurse at Baylor All Saints Medical Center in Fort Worth. We typically do hour shifts which makes it hard to do an evening class whether you re doing a day shift or a night shift Holt said. Holt who works as the medical surgical and rehabilitation education in the nursing education department at Baylor All Saints started an online program in August to earn her master s degree in nursing education. She investigated several different programs and chose the University of Phoenix after hearing good reviews about the programs. Several coworkers also are doing online degree programs she said because of the flexibility. I like the freedom I have of working at midnight if that s what works for me Holt said. Encouraging nurses to pursue their academic careers is good for the hospital system patients and the community Tolentino said and hospitals typically try to give employees as much information as possible about educational options. However she noted it takes a certain amount of focus and drive to get through online courses. It s not for every single person who thinks Oh yeah I ll just go ahead and do it Tolentino said. For the student who understands his or her learning needs and feels that they would progress more effectively through a traditional program we offer that as well. UT Arlington approached Baylor about an academic partnership and held informational sessions for interested employees Tolentino said. Nearly nurses attended the info sessions and six nurses have definitely signed up for the program according to Baylor statistics. However since enrollment is still ongoing that number could increase. UT Arlington also offered to help Baylor nurses fulfill prerequisite coursework Tolentino said to help streamline the process of entering the UT Arlington program. The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study in September looking at Internet based learning for health professionals and concluded that while it appears positive it needs further study to fully assess its impact. . . . Internet based instruction is associated with favorable outcomes across a wide variety of learners learning contexts clinical topics and learning outcomes the study states. Internet based instruction appears to have a large effect compared with no intervention and appears to have an effectiveness similar to traditional methods. The quality of online courses can vary but the mark of a good degree program is that the faculty overseeing the program are the same quality of faculty a student would find in a classroom setting said Dr. Michael Moore senior vice provost at UT Arlington. The RN to BSN program offered at UT Arlington uses courses developed and taught by full time faculty at the School of Nursing and it is the fifth online degree program offered by the university Moore said. It is the second bachelor s degree program offered by UT Arlington the other being a bachelor s in criminology and criminal justice he said. Online courses and distance education is popular for a slew of reasons Moore said and universities are also having to adjust to having their degrees evaluated on a national level. If I m the only university in town offering the degree I can charge whatever I want he said. But when a university is offering an online degree it must compete nationally he said. A student can enroll in California and South Carolina as easily as they can enroll here he said. Whatever the reason for nurses choosing to pursue an online degree the end result is that a better educated health professional will be a positive asset to the community Holt said. You can never have over educated nurses she said. The more education you have the better care you have. Advertisement Advertisement The Fort Worth Business Press Contact Us About Us Advertisers Employment Subscribe Privacy Policy Rights and Permissions Copyright The Fort Worth Business Press The university had started a pilot program in the village of Weligatte in Hambantota in the deep south of the island teaching farmers tissue culture agro technology farm management techniques and marketing. A laboratory has been set up staffed with young girls from the areas who were now producing banana plants a month for sale to farmers who were now getting higher yields and revenue. These farmers incomes have increased ten fold we can definitely see the difference over the past five years Kshanika Hirimburegama vice chancellor of the University of Colombo told LBO. Farming has to be approached in a scientific manner to increase yields improve quality and win markets. Most Sri Lankan farmers were still using traditional methods which were not very effective but a scientific grounding in farming can transform their lives says Hirimburegama. The university will first start a certificate level course leading to a diploma and eventually a Bachelor of Science B.Sc degree. Each level of the program will take one academic year. Sri Lanka s university system can only absorb about . percent of students who complete secondary education. We have done a small survey amongst farmers and we have seen most of them have three C s says Hirimburegama. The basic requirement for university entrance is les than that. The new agriculture course will use a combination of e learning printed materials sent through he post compact discs face to face teaching and lab work. But most of the course work will be conducted through e learning. Farmer will access e learning modules through a network of internet communications kiosks known as Nanasela s promoted by the island s ICT Agency. The program is part of the Sri Lanka government s Distance Education Modernization Project DEMP initially funded with a five million rupee Asian Development Bank grant. Students are expected to contribute a part of the costs though it is subsidized. I personally believe that nothing should be free because if its given free they won t take it seriously says Hirimburegama. 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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Questions are meant to be answered. This is why we hope that all your questions on ONLINE COLLEGE DEGREE have been answered by this composition on ONLINE COLLEGE DEGREE .


Penn Foster College Launches Two New Bachelor Degree Programs PR Newswire via Yahoo Finance top stories in Career Journal Wall Street Journal

Wed, 08 Oct 2008 22:38:06 +0000
PRNewswire Penn Foster College one of the nation s largest online colleges has launched two new Bachelor Degree programs in Business Management and Criminal Justice. According to Dr. Richard W. Ferrin President of Penn Foster College the institution has been receiving requests for more advanced degree for years. Offering BS programs was a logical extension of our mission statement said Dr. Ferrin adding Students interested in the Bachelor s programs will have the same affordable accessible and flexible education as our Associate Degree students. At this time the Bachelor Degrees are completion programs meaning that students must have an Associate Degree or a minimum of college credits from an accredited institution prior to enrolling in either program. Students without the minimum requirements can enroll in Penn Foster s Associate Degree programs then transfer their credits to one of the Bachelor Degree programs. The Criminal Justice degree will focus on topics including correctional institutions juveniles and the legal process and administration of justice. The Business Management degree will take our students through topics including the legal environment of business corporate finance business research methods as well as international business. Penn Foster College has more than active students worldwide. Students study independently and in many cases more quickly than a traditional college. The college is ideal for those who have family and employment obligations. Penn Foster also offers individual financial plans to match students needs and financial resources. To learn more go to http . About Penn Foster Inc. Penn Foster College is part of Penn Foster Inc. http a global leader in distance education. For more than years Penn Foster has been providing career focused training programs in the fields of healthcare business and technology. Penn Foster College http based in Scottsdale Arizona offers an alternative to traditional classroom attendance with its online Associate Degree programs in health business technology and engineering. Source Penn Foster College Email Story Set News Alert Print Story Copyright Yahoo Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy Terms of Service Copyright PR Newswire . All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of PRNewswire content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of PRNewswire. PRNewswire shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. World Business Markets Tech Personal Finance Life sum . of An Executive Downshifts From Fast Lane of No Excuse for Wasting Time of And the Best Executive M.B.A. Program . of B Schools Move to Assist Alums of Job Search for Wall Street Pros of Employees Aided in Finance Plans of Executive Job Market Still Healthy of Retailers Reprogram Workers prev next hide top stories hide top stories show top stories show top stories Dow Jones Reprints This copy is for your personal non commercial use only. To order presentation ready copies for distribution to your colleagues clients or customers use the Order Reprints tool at the bottom of any article or visit See a sample reprint in PDF format. Order a reprint of this article now EDUCATION SEPTEMBER High Degree Professionals Show Power Survey Highlights Worry of Winners Losers in Economy By CONOR DOUGHERTY Article Comments more in Education Workers with professional degrees such as doctors and lawyers were the only educational group to see their inflation adjusted earnings increase over the most recent economic expansion adding to the concern that the economy has benefited higher earning Americans at the expense of others. Workers in every other educational group including Ph.D.s as well as high school dropouts earned less in than they did in adjusted for inflation according to data from the Census Bureau. Data don t include earnings. The recent data are the latest reminder of how college degrees long seen as a path to the middle class no longer guarantees fatter paychecks every year. The statistics also indicate how deeply economic divisions have grown despite the economic expansion that started in . Both presidential candidates have proposed policies to address this inequality. Economists cite a number of reasons for falling wages for people with a bachelor s degree. Open borders resulted in blue and white collar jobs being sent abroad and skilled immigrants competing for jobs in the U.S. Job growth during the to expansion was weak compared to the late s boom thus putting less pressure on employers to dole out pay increases. Rising health care costs are also a bigger part of total compensation than they were in the past. The Census data measure income which doesn t include the health care bills employers pick up for workers. Falling wages are a big reason why so many Americans have cited economic issues among their biggest concerns going into the presidential election. Americans are pretty sophisticated pocketbook voters and lots of individuals and their families understand that real earnings growth has been waning for many years said Matthew J. Slaughter an economics professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College who was a Bush White House economist. Question of the Day Vote Has your earnings potential stagnated Many Democrats have blamed foreign trade for a big part of the rise in income inequality and have turned increasingly against new trade pacts. On the presidential level Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama is pushing a number of proposals that would raise taxes for those who earn more than to fund tax cuts for those of more modest means. His Republican opponent Sen. John McCain remains a committed free trader. But Sen. McCain is pushing an overhaul of unemployment insurance and retraining as a way to help those who have fallen behind. He also argues that cutting corporate income taxes will boost economic growth and jobs. The inflation adjusted median salary for people with professional degrees was in up about from when the median salary was according to the Census. Every other group including those with college and doctorate degrees saw income declines. The inflation adjusted median salary for a person with a bachelor s degree fell about adjusted for inflation to last year from . Median master s degree salaries fell about to . Salaries for high school graduates fell about to . Given the faltering economy it is unlikely that lower earning Americans have made up ground this year. In the last year for which the Census income data are available wages grew and unemployment averaged a low . . Since then the country has lost about jobs and the unemployment rate has risen to . . Despite the downbeat numbers the Census data still show the value of education. In the median income for people with a bachelor s degree was about two thirds more than for those with only a high school diploma people with a master s made more than those with a college degree only. But the relative gain to education is diminishing. In for instance workers with college degrees earned more per year on average than workers with high school diplomas only according to the Economic Report of the President. Workers with a college degree saw their earnings premium grow steadily over the next quarter century and by their average earnings were roughly double what workers with a high school diploma made. Over the next four years the trend reversed By workers with a college diploma only were earning about more than high school grads on average. A college degree still provides an important security blanket says Mr. Slaughter. But because of the falling mean B.A. earnings in recent years just how warm this blanket is is now less clear. Write to Conor Dougherty at Copyright Dow Jones Company Inc. All Rights Reserved This copy is for your personal non commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. 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